Quick Start Guide
- What meditations are available in the 7Mind App?
- Which 7Mind meditations are for free?
- Can meditating with 7Mind help with mental health issues?
- Can I fast forward within the meditations?
- How long are the meditations?
- In which order should I complete my meditations?
- How does Facebook Sign-In work?
- How does Google Sign-In work?
- How do I register with the 7Mind app?
- Do I register in the app or via the homepage?
- How do I log in?
- How do I change my 7Mind account email address?
- How do I subscribe to 7Mind?
- What does 7Mind cost and what subscription options are available?
- What payment options are available?
- How does the 7-day trial work for my yearly subscription?
- Will my subscription automatically renew?
- How do I cancel my subscription?
Technical Difficulties
- I forgot my password - how do I get a new one?
- I do not receive a link to reset my password - what is wrong?
- I have created a profile using Apple Sign-In. How can I use it to log in on an Android device?
- How do I download meditations?
- How are meditations counted?
- Can I use 7Mind on my tablet?