Unfortunately, some health insurance companies do not update their prevention offers regularly. All statutory health insurance companies in Germany joined the "Zentrale Prüfstelle für Prävention in Deutschland" (ZPP) and thus follow its offers. If you ask your insurer if they subsidize ZPP-certified courses, they will surely be able to confirm this.
Our prevention courses are listed as follows with the ZPP:
"Onlinekurs Achtsamkeitsbasiertes Stressmanagement mit 7Mind"
Course ID: KU-ST-NAKHWV (until Dec 4th, 2021: KU-ST-Y4D4YT)
Course instructor: René Träder
”Onlinekurs: Resilienz im Umgang mit Stress”
Course ID: KU-ST-S17DV1
Course instructor: René Träder
”Onlinekurs: Progressive Muskelentspannung”
Course ID: KU-ST-G1WBW1
Course instructor: Anna Rosenbaum
”Onlinekurs: Erholsamer Schlaf”
Course instructor: Dominik Wehler
After completing a prevention course, you’ll receive an email, inviting you to download your participation certificate which you can send to your health insurance company along with your invoice to request a (partial) refund of the course fee.
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