When you open the app for the first time, the basic course is automatically downloaded. All other courses and individual meditations have not yet been downloaded.
As soon as you start a single meditation or a meditation from a course, the meditation or the entire course will be downloaded and played. You can also just tap “Download” to start the download, but nothing will be played yet. Please note that the audio files will only be downloaded if your device is connected to the internet via Wi-Fi or mobile data. If you have limited data volume via mobile data, you should consider how many meditations you want to download.
Screenshot of the 7Mind app. Green background with ‘Library’ and a back arrow at the top left. Below is the course title ‘Initiation’ and a description of the course. Below that is a microphone icon on the left next to the word ‘Speakers’ and on the right it says ‘Jonathan’ with an arrow pointing down. In the centre is a white heptagon with a play button and the caption ‘Begin course’. Below this is a list of course sessions with a download option: ‘1st First steps’ and ‘2nd Here and now’. Next to each course unit is a cloud symbol. At the bottom of the screen is a navigation bar with three icons: a folder, a 7 in a green heptagon and a person. Translated with DeepL.com (free version) This is not a live-streaming process, which means that you can only play a meditation once it has been fully downloaded. This is the case when the small cloud symbol disappears.
The files themselves are not stored directly on your device, but indirectly in the app data. You therefore cannot see the files and cannot save them on an external storage device.
Once you have downloaded meditations, you cannot delete them individually. So if you have limited storage space on your device, you should not download all the meditations straight away.
If you want to delete the downloaded meditations completely, all you need to do is log out. After logging in again, you can then select which meditations you want to download. On Android devices, you often have to delete the app data as well. This is done as follows: Open the settings and select ‘Apps’. Tap on the 7Mind app, on ‘Storage’ and then ‘Delete data’.
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